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The Richmond upon Thames School

The Richmond upon Thames School

Excellence Through Endeavour

Year 9 GCSE Options

The Year 9 Options process for 2025 is now live!

The programme will provide details of all the GCSE subjects we have to offer at RTS and guidance to help your child make informed choices about the subjects they will be studying for GCSE.

GCSE Options Booklet

The GCSE Options Booklet will be presented to you during the Options Evening and is also available here. In it you will find details of all GCSE courses on offer at RTS, as well as a FAQ section and details of the online courses students can choose from to study during their enrichment.

Options Evening Event Details

On Wednesday 05 February 2025 we will be holding our Year 9 Options evening. This event will be held on the school site, and you are invited to attend with your child. 

Options Process schedule




10 January


Year 9 Options Bulletin sent to all Y9 parents/carers with initial information and timeline of process

Via email

28 January, 18:00-19:00

SEND department Y9 SEN-K/EHCP students Options support session

In school (parents and students)
03-14 February GCSE taster sessions in lessons In school (students only)

05 February, 18:00-20:00

Options Evening: GCSE Pathways - The Option Process Explained

Presentation slides are here

In school (parents and students)

06 February GCSE Options Booklet issued to parents Via email/website
25 February-04 March

Student destinations meetings with SLT: Discussions with individual students to help them make appropriate choices. 

Students will submit their options form during this meeting.

In school (students only)

26 February, 15:30-19:30

Y9 Subject Teacher Consultation Evening In school (appointment only) (parents and students)
05 March Options process closes  

Please ensure you have read the Options Booklet and the FAQs at the end of the booklet.

Submitting Options Choices

Once you have read all the literature, attended the Options Evening and had discussions at home with your child, they will then have an individual Destinations Meeting with a member of the Senior Leadership Team. Students will submit their options form during this meeting.

Parents will be emailed confirmation of the subjects their child has selected and definitive confirmation of GCSE options will be communicated to parents and students in the summer term.

Year 9 Subject Consultation Evening

This takes place face to face in school on Wednesday 26 February and will give you the opportunity to speak to your child’s subject teachers to help inform decisions around their option choices before submitting the Options form.