School Meals
At RTS, we understand the importance of the enjoyment of meal times for our students, so we create a family meal type setting.
All of our meals are prepared using fresh ingredients and provide as much variation and choice for the students as possible. Our set meal offers a hot lunch and dessert, which is excellent value for money at only £2.50. Our menus include a daily vegetarian choice and many popular favourites.
Free School Meals
If your family receive; Income Support, Income-based Job Seeker’s Allowance, Income-related Employment and Support Allowance, Child Tax Credit plus an income below £16,190 or the Guarantee element of the State Pension Credit, your child(ren) may be eligible for Free School Meals.
If you think your family may be eligible for Free School Meals, please contact the School Office for more information on how to apply. You can apply for free school meals now, using the link below.
Packed lunches
For those students bringing a packed lunch to school, pupils should have a sturdy named box (no plastic bags please) for their lunch. No fizzy drinks or glass bottles are allowed. We are a nut-free school).
We urge parents to provide a nutritionally balanced packed lunch.
RTS Menu - Spring Term 2025
Biometric - cashless payments
We have a cashless system in our dining room for school meals. The service is secure and provides audit reports on accounts including full purchase history.
Our selected partner is Nationwide Retail Systems (NRS). The system uses the latest biometric technology and eliminates the need to carry a card, fob or cash within school. The system scans a thumb/finger at the till and debits the relevant account.