GCSE Exam Results
Exam Results 2024
We are incredibly proud of the outcomes achieved by our students.
In 2024, 141 students sat exams at RTS
Performance highlight (estimated)
EBACC Progress score was above the national average
Progress in Maths, Sciences and French were above the national average
Students achieving English and Maths at grade 5 and grade 4 or above was above the national average
Attainment 8 was above with the national average
Progress 8 was in line with the national average
Student Destinations
Our 2024 cohort moved on to excellent destinations, including RTS Sixth Form Plus, other local sixth forms, as well as other specialist providers, including Gordon's School and others.
To support student choices, we hold a Post-16 evening each year for our Year 11 students and their families. Students follow a Destination Post-16 programme in their Enrichment lessons. College and post 16 destination application and interview support are offered; and there are work experience opportunities alongside sixth form taster lessons, university campus visits and a programme of post 16 support for students with SEND. All students in Year 11 have a one-to-one meeting with a member of the Senior Leadership Team at the start of the Autumn Term to discuss their Post-16 options and ensure their choices are aspirational and achievable.
Students are supported by a Careers Advisor from the Educational Development Trust, Achieving for Children, who provide 1:2:1 support to students at different points in the school year. Alongside this, we have a CEIAG coordinator, Ms Carrick-Steele, who develops and leads our careers curriculum.
DfE School Performance Data Website
Visit the DfE School Performance data site where more achievement and attainment data for the school can be found here.
Performance Measures 2024
Performance Measaure | 2024 |
Year 11 Students entered for exams | 141 |
Ebacc Entry |
31.2% |
Ebacc Average Point Score | 4.59 |
Attainment 8 | 51.4 |
Percentage achieving Grade 4 or above in English and Maths | 75.9% |
Percentage achieving Grade 5 or above in English and Maths | 61% |
Percentage achieving Grade 4 or above in English | 81% |
Percentage achieving Grade 4 or above in Maths | 82% |
Progress 8 | 0.07 |
Percentage of students staying in education or going into employment after key stage 4 in 2022 |
92% |
Ofsted visited The Richmond upon Thames School in January 2020 (report published 16 May 2020) and judged the school to be “outstanding” for Personal Development and “Good” overall. Details of this inspection can be found here.