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The Richmond upon Thames School

The Richmond upon Thames School

Excellence Through Endeavour


The English curriculum strives to develop high standards of language and literacy, by equipping students with a strong command of the spoken and written language, and developing their love of literature through inculcating reading for enjoyment.
The KS3 and 4 programmes of study build on the Key Stage 2 National Curriculum and equip students with the skills required at GCSE,  further training or study and the work of work.


The course is organised into several units of work in which students are taught to:

  • Hone their reading skills so that they develop the techniques needed to read, understand and analyse a broad range of different texts.
  • Communicate clearly, accurately and coherently, adapting their language and style based on the literature they read and to a range of contexts, purposes and audiences.
  • Engage critically with discursive, descriptive, factual and creative writing techniques and use these in their writing.
  • Develop their spoken language skills by presenting and responding verbally to questions throughout the subject.
  • Study plays, poems and novels that provide them with a window into the attitudes and concerns of people from different cultures, countries and times.
  • To engage critically with a wide range of texts that challenge and inspire.
  • Use discussion to learn, elaborate and explain clearly their understanding and ideas.
  • The arts of speaking and listening, making formal presentations, demonstrating to others and participating in debate.


Homework activities are structured to enable students to practice skills taught in the classroom and enhance understanding.


Students are assessed throughout the year on their reading, writing and speaking and listening skills in addition to an end of year examination.

Extended Learning

Students have opportunities to extend their learning through trips and visits to theatres, and taking part in projects with writers, journalists and theatre groups. Students are encouraged to develop their reading skills through structured lessons in the Independent Learning Zone (ILZ) and our school wider reading programme. The ILZ stocks a broad complement of fiction and non-fiction titles which will be available to loan as e-books and in traditional physical formats. Students will also be encouraged to write for the school e-magazine.

More information about the English curriculum

Ms Wright, Deputy Head Teacher, Curriculum -

Ms Lofters, Curriculum Leader, English -