At the heart of the Drama curriculum is teaching an inspiring course that develops students’ communication, co-operation and confidence. Students develop various transferable skills through drama games and activities. Students are taught several different units of work covering a range of skills. Through Drama, students learn vital life skills such as teamwork, and co-operating with others.
In KS3, students are taught topic areas ranging from improvisation work to scripted pieces, all with a fun and active focus.
Students are:
- Be encouraged to be creative by experimenting with dialogue, space, and sound in drama lessons which help to encourage them to gain confidence, and develop different means of expression.
- Learn skills of showing a character through different techniques vocally and
- Gain experience with how to critique practical work, and how to use feedback positively to improve the quality of their work
Drama homework is often project-based with multiple deadlines.
Students are assessed throughout the year through formative assessment of themselves, by their peers and by their teacher.
Extended learning
Students have opportunities to extend their learning through:
- trips and visits to local and West End theatres
- taking part in projects with The Royal Shakespeare Company, writers and local theatre groups.
Students are encouraged to develop their performance and directing skills by joining drama clubs and taking part in school shows.
Curriculum Overviews
More information about the Drama curriculum
Ms Wright, Deputy Head Teacher, Curriculum - SLT@rts.richmond.sch.uk
Ms Charles, Curriculum Leader, Drama - gcharles@rts.richmond.sch.uk