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The Richmond upon Thames School

The Richmond upon Thames School

Excellence Through Endeavour


Following our first Ofsted Inspection, which took place 29-30 January 2020, it is with great pleasure that we can report that Ofsted has rated the school “Good” overall and “Outstanding” for students’ personal development. RTS is very pleased that Ofsted have recognised all the exceptional work of the staff and students at the school; and in particular our outstanding work to develop the students in readiness for their future endeavours. You can directly access the report below; or via Ofsted's website here.

Careers Information

Summary of the  Careers Programme

The current careers programme is delivered through a combination of methods, including:

  • PSHCEE in Years 7, 8 and 9 
  • Academic Tutor-led Citizenship in Years 8, 10 and 11 and for Years 8 to 11 through assemblies, presentations, employer visits, work experience, seminars, masterclasses, workshops, drop down days and 1:1 sessions
  • Additionally, several special events are planned, such as the Year 8 careers week, careers events held during focus weeks such as STEM Careers during Science Week and Business and Commerce during Enterprise week
  • Developing an employability portfolio

Parent Involvement

Parental involvement is encouraged at all stages. The Richmond upon Thames School recognises that parents/carers remain the biggest influence on a young person’s career choices and as such we offer parents help and guidance at critical stages in the students’ time with us; for example, in Year 9 with options decisions, and Year 11 with 16+ choices.

Parents also have the opportunity to speak to the Careers Leader by phone, by appointment or at any Year 9 to 11 parental consultation events.

Employer Access

This section sets out the school’s arrangements for managing the access of Providers to students at the school for the purposes of giving them information about the Provider’s education or training offer. This complies with the school’s legal obligations under Section 42B of the Education Act 1997.

Students in Year 8-13 are entitled:

  • To find out about technical education qualifications and apprenticeship opportunities, as part of a careers programme which provides information on the full range of education and training options available at each transition point
  • To hear from a range of local Providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and apprenticeships
  • To understand how to make applications for the full range of academic and technical courses

How pupils, parents, teachers and employers may access information about the careers programme

A student, parent/carer, teacher or employer wishing to request access should contact Ms Broadbent via 0208 891 2985 or

Opportunities for access

A number of events, integrated into the school careers programme, will offer providers an opportunity to come into school to speak to pupils and/or their parents:

Year Autumn Spring Summer

Curriculum evening for parents


RTS Talks

Science week - STEM Careers assembly and academic tutor group opportunities and lesson, job profiles/masterclasses


Parents’ Subject Consultation evening

Life skills – assembly and tutor opportunities

Curriculum evening for parents


RTS Talks


Life skills – assembly and tutor group opportunities

Science week - STEM Careers assembly and academic tutor group opportunities and lesson, job profiles/masterclasses


Parents’ Subject Consultation evening

Careers and work experience week

Curriculum evening for parents


Options information pamphlet

Life Skills – work experience preparation sessions Life skills – assembly and tutor group opportunities

Life Skills – assembly on

opportunities at 16


Small group education,

employment options


Post 16 evening

Workshops – FE and higher

apprenticeship applications


How we measure and assesses the impact of the careers programme on students

  • Monitoring, review and evaluation of Careers provision is conducted annually as part of the whole-school self-evaluation process and reviewed by the Trustees when any additions or amendments are made. 
  • A report is published on an annual basis, including an account of activities, a review of progress and an evaluation of student and parental responses to provision. 
  • Parents are welcome to give feedback on any aspect of the Careers programme to the member of the senior leadership team responsible for Careers and/or the Careers Leader.
  • The Careers Leader’s work is evaluated at least annually by the line manager from the SLT via the school’s quality assurance activities, including lesson observation and work scrutiny.
  • Student voice activities are conducted with students from various year groups at least once a year, with a separate survey used to collect feedback on the Year 8 Careers Week. 
  • Monitoring, review and evaluation of Careers provision is conducted annually as part of the whole-school self-evaluation process and reviewed by the Trustees when any additions or amendments are made. 
  • A report is published on an annual basis, including an account of activities, a review of progress and an evaluation of student and parental responses to provision. 
  • Parents are welcome to give feedback on any aspect of the Careers programme to the member of the senior leadership team responsible for Careers and/or the Careers Leader.
  • The Careers Leader’s work is evaluated at least annually by the line manager from the SLT via the school’s quality assurance activities, including lesson observation and work scrutiny.
  • Student voice activities are conducted with students from various year groups at least once a year, with a separate survey used to collect feedback on the Year 8 Careers Week. 

Date for the school's next review of the information published

Autumn 2023

Parent View

Parent View gives parents/carers the chance to tell Ofsted what you think about their child’s school, from the quality of teaching to dealing with bullying and poor behaviour.

Our Parent View survey results can be view here

Performance Tables

RTS has featured in the DfE School Performance Tables since 2022.

Pupil Premium

The Pupil Premium is funding that is given to schools by the Government to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils. This includes pupils who have been eligible for free school meals at any point in the last six years. If you believe your son/daughter would be eligible for free school meals and would like more information, please contact the main school office on 0208 891 2985 or click here.

The pupil premium strategy for 2022-2025 includes a review of last year’s aims and outcomes and can be found here.

School Information

You can view information about the school on the Get Information for Schools website.